Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekend Fun and Monday Jury Duty

This weekend my parents came up to visit! It is so nice to have people here visiting! On Friday night, Dad and Millie bundled up (some of us did better than others!) and joined Randy and I for Friday Night Football. It was FREEZING! I tried to warn them! Even though we cheered on our Falcons in the blistering cold, we could not pull it off. We will try again next week!

On Saturday, we did a lot of football game watching (Go Wildcats! Go Sooners!) and Millie and I even did some shopping! That night we treated ourselves to a delicious steak dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Yum yum yum! When we arrived home, I did force a game of "Sorry" out of them before crashing! Stinking Josh won!

Monday was a particularly special day. I had jury duty. I will not lie, I was less than excited! So in I went at 9 am, sat for an hour or so, got CHOSEN for a juror (juror #4 to be exact) on a DUI appeal case, and spent the whole day there. I did get to eat lunch with Angie! We got to watch a dash cam video from the police car and had a little room that we went to to discuss the case. I felt very important. Anyway, we found him guilty. So moral of the story...do not drink and drive. I will find you. And I will find you guilty. :) (PS Rocky, I am sorry because I generally believe that you were not wasted, but maybe a little tipsy...you should have taken the breathalizer, I would have had more sympathy for you.)

1 comment:

ClickNCamera said...

We had an awesome visit with you and Josh! You're right, we didn't quite understand the concept of COLD...we do now. Hope Josh is happier about the out come of his next game! Go FalconsLove you!