Monday, April 6, 2015

Reed - 11 months

April 6, 2015

Oh my goodness, my sweet baby, you are eleven months old!

Right now, you...
- weigh 21 lbs, 12 ounces pounds
- wear size 3 diapers
- wear size 12 month clothes
- have two teeth on the bottom, your left insides are just broke through, and you're right incisor is trying to break through. You are going to look a little like a vampire here in a few days!
- are sleeping much better but would rather sleep with mommy!
- are still breast feeding and taking a few mixed formula bottles at day care
- eating just about anything we eat but still love your Lil' Crunchers, ham, hotdogs, cheese, noodles, strawberries and bananas!
- you are desperate to keep up with your big sister and every day you are getting closer to taking your first steps without holding on to someone or something!
- love playing peek-a-boo
- love anything your sister has, blocks, shaking toys, feeding the dogs, and throwing toys for mommy and daddy to pick up!
- have the best belly laughs and think your sister is hilarious! 
- still so so so happy!

My big boy Reed,

  I cannot believe that you are already 11 months old! In four short weeks, you will be a full year old and this will officially have been the fastest year of my entire life! You are literally the happiest baby and smile at everyone! Unfortunately, you are on your fourth year infection and so tubes might be in your near future. Each time we go to the doctor, you smile ear to ear which probably make them think that we are crazy to have brought you and in the first place! You are the best Cudler and will literally nuzzle and as close as you can possibly get to mommy and daddy's next. You are not napping at Amy's, But you are sleeping so much better in the evenings. You still prefer to sleep with mommy, but do a pretty good job once you have been transitioned to your bed. You had your first Easter and slept through most of it. You did enjoy the screeching toys that a friend gave you! You are just the best, little boy, and we cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you!

We love you and love you,
Daddy, Mommy and Kinley

Getting harder and harder to take pictures of you on a rocking chair or sitting still!