Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby Reed

Although I have taken a temporary hiatus from blogging, we do have news. We are expecting our second baby. We found out several months ago that this will be a little boy! I could not be more excited or more fearful of raising a little boy! Baby Reed Allen is expected to be here May 8th! 
Last week we got our 3-D ultrasound to see our bouncing bundle of joy and his impressive in utero karate kicks! 

Today I am 30 weeks along! Only 10 more weeks left. Part of me is super excited as this has not been a very easy pregnancy. The other part of me is extremely sad and borderline depressed that this is the last time I will feel a baby kick inside of me. Reed is extremely active and seems to move much more than Kinley ever did (or that I remember). He is breached and laying horizontal, which is quite uncomfortable at times. Still, the thought of never experiencing a baby from the inside again makes my heart swell a little bit.  Perhaps we won't rule out a third one after all! But I will let you know May 9th!

Happy 10 weeks!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I realize now, as my 2 year old has to wiggle a little more to get comfortable on my altered lap, that she has been calling me Momma. The days of Mommy are gone. She needs me less and less. And wants me even less than that. She is a big girl. She is so independent. In a few weeks she will no longer be my baby. A part of my heart breaks when I think about that. A part of me misses the chubby little baby who couldn't roll over and that needed me. That WANTED me. And soon, I will have that again and it won't be her. 

My big girl, Kinley, you will always be my baby girl and as long as you want me, Momma will be right here.