Monday, October 12, 2009

5 Things I Love...But Shouldn't

Yep, I'm a follower! Thanks Deanna, Jamie, and Kelly... :)

5 Things I Love...But Shouldn't

1. Blogs. Anything Blog related. I love stalking on them. I love writing on them. I love them. Josh makes fun of how much information I put on here, but it is my connection to the world. Without it, I would not get to see the intimacies of my nephews growing up (first real food, Halloween costumes, etc) or of the things that just can't be expressed over the phone (the perfect charm or new light fixtures). It is the most wonderful, glorious thing in my world right now (besides family and friends!).

2. Chocolate. For those of you who have known me for awhile, know that I HAVE to have chocolate at least 6 days of the week. Yes, I meant to leave out one, because sometimes I have eaten all of the chocolate that is in our house and there isn't any left. In those situations, I usually make an emergency Dairy Queen or Sonic run for a shake. Pathetic and a little disgusting, I know. I can't help it.

3. Career Looking. Confusing, I know. But I love fantasizing about the possibility of changing careers, winning the lottery, opening my own Reception hall (this is a brilliant idea, any one want to fund it?), etc. I love thinking that there is something else out there. That I am not completely and utterly stuck in one job everyday for the rest of my life... Now, along with this also goes house looking. I will not make this a top five, but it was up there. I LOVE looking at houses that I cannot and will not be able to afford. It is a dream. Keep your fingers crossed for the winning lottery numbers!

4. Yard work. Now this is a good thing. The only reason I say its something that "I shouldn't" love is because rarely I find someone else who loves it...or even likes it. I like redesigning our yard and plants and am always thinking about what we can do next year. You would think that because I love this our yards would be awesome! They are not. Even though I love it, Josh does not. Nor does he like being my "muscles" that do all of the hard labor. But I promise you, next year we will be painting our house, landscaping the front steps, and planting our garden (which is built but not planted!).

5. Target. I understand that everyone else chose this too. I don't care. It is my vice. I go there when I can't sit in traffic anymore (yes, I put into my Garmin and find the nearest one until traffic has let up), when I am trying to let Josh beat me home so he can let the dogs out, when I've had a stressful day, when I am hungry (yes, the do have chocolate), or even when I have the random inclination to change the artwork/buy new artwork for our house. I love it. I love the red shirts and khakis... It feels like home!

Runner Up: K-State and OU. They just don't go together. And like I am continually telling my dad, I want OU to beat everyone but K-State. I was born a Sooner fan and I grew into a K-State fan. Both are rooted deep inside of me... Go Cats! I mean Go Sooners! I mean...I don't know anymore!


ClickNCamera said...

I for one, love that you blog! This way I can look in on what you have been up to and feel connected! So, blog on Emily, blog on.....Psssst, I bought chocolate today, but it probably will be gone by this Sunday, sorry! Love you, Millie

Mama Mouse said...

I already commented on Kelly's blog with this topic. I want to be a follower too and do this post... but I feel like I shouldn't since it's a "family" blog and this would be an "all about me" post. Ya know?

Kelly Michael said...

I love it,the yard work I just don't get though. So good to hang out with you last night. Love you!

Brandy said...

I could have guest that list ;) I love that you blog and that you read ours! This is the only way to keep up on all the little things we don't discuss in our calls.