Sunday, October 4, 2009

Garage sales...

Saturday, Angie and I decided to put on a garage sale. We LOVE garage saling but didn't realize #1 how much work it was and #2 what in the heck to do with the stuff that doesn't sell!
We had 2 dining room sets, 3 desks, lots of clothes, shoes, VCR tapes, stove, microwaves, purses, Xbox and even real Oakleys! :)
Angie made MUCH more than I did! (I just tried to get rid of crap, even if it was for free!

By the way, it was FREEZING! Not a great day for garage saling!
The boys came later for entertainment...which they are always good for!


Unknown said...

Someone came and took the desks from the curb, one less thing to store! :)

Mama Mouse said...

In our house, if it doesn't sell, it goes straight to Goodwill. I refuse to let any garage sale items back into our house after a sale.

Brandy said...

I just dropped off a huge van load of stuff to Goodwill last week from our last garage sale. I needed my garage back.