Monday, June 25, 2012

7 months

June 20th, 2012

Holy cow, my little angel, you are SEVEN months old! You...

-weigh 18 lbs and are 28 inches long
-wear size 2 and 3 diapers
-wear 6-9 months clothing
-are really trying to crawl but roll all around the floor
-love sitting and studying toys, hands, feet, people, dogs...
-talk, talk, talk!  but now you are becoming more selective to who you will talk to.
-know your name and will usually respond with a smile or a giggle
-have an amazingly in-tune startle reflex
-eat all kinds of foods but your favorites are sweet potatoes, carrots, and applesauce
-eat three times a day and have 5-6 bottles a day
-are taking "swimming lessons" through Aquatots and love to be in the water!
-sleep in your room but still have terrible sleep patterns!
-take Prevacid each night for your reflux (and sometimes open your mouth on your own for it!)
-have had 4 ear infections but respond quickly to medicine.
-love Miss Amy's and so far still have not developed stranger danger.
-attended your first Smoky Hill River Festival
-got your first pedicure!
-have had a lot of visitors and for each one, you love watching them talk
-went to the zoo and Deanna Rose animal farm
-celebrated your first Father's Day and Mother's Day

Dear Miss Kinley Jo,
  You are the absolute light of our lives!  Both your Daddy and I miss you heaps when we are away from you for any period of time!  You seem to change so much in a single day that we feel that we might miss something!  You love your Mommy and Daddy and light up when you see either one of us.  This makes us soooo happy!  You also laugh whenever you see Bella and Dakota.  They are your favorite!  I think you're developing a secret language with them!  You are so busy!  You are a "studier" and watch everything!  You love your activity table and all of the little toys that we have for you!  You seem to be trying to figure out how they work!  We are really encouraging you to start to crawl because we know you want to so badly!  You strain to get to your toys and get really frusturated when you try to crawl and go backwards!  You make the most adorable faces!  I swear that you are thinking "Excuse me?" when we tell you things like it is time for bed, time for the carseat, or time for the high chair.  You are an amazing little girl and we can see you learning each and every day!  You really make us proud and we are so excited to see your personality continue to develop!  Miss Kinley, we love you so very much!  We are your biggest fans!  There are so many things that we're looking forward to, but feel so blessed to have gotten to witness everything that you've already done! 

We love you Kinley Jo, so very much!

Love you,
Mommy and Daddy


Mama Mouse said...

Love that little girl!! Hard to believe she's already 7 months old. :) We love you baby girl.

Sam said...

Time goes so fast!! She is so precious!