Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8 months

July 20, 2012

My precious little girl, you are already 8 months old! This month has been so exciting! You...
- weigh about 20 pounds
- wearing 6-9 and 9 month clothes
- wearing size 2 and 3 diapers
- eat a lot! 3 times a day with lots of snacks through the day.
- sleep in your nap nanny and wake up once at night.
- still love Miss Amy's and really enjoy your friends!
- talk all of the time! You babble and blow raspberries all day!
- study people! You will stare and stare at people you don't know until you decide to flash a beautiful smile!
- have big beautiful blue eyes, just like Daddy
- are so busy! Rolling and scooting all over the place!
- not quite crawling but are thinking about it.
- think your daddy is the most funny man!
- love love love bath time, pool time, and lake time! You are a water baby for sure!

Dear Kinley Jo,
  You have been such a delight this month!  I cannot believe all of the changes that are happening!  Every single day you grow and change!  Your hair continues to grow (very slowly!) and you look cuter and cuter each day!  I love the peach fuzz on top of your head and feel sad that it will grow out and I may forget how adorable it is right now!  You have starting giving hugs and cuddling more.  You never used to cuddle with anyone unless you were not feeling very well.  Now, each morning, you cuddle for a few minutes before we get you dressed and ready for the day.  It makes our day!  You still love Bella and Dakota and they are getting more and more used to you.  You drop food and try to feed them Puffs which makes them like you even more!  You have started clapping and developing such a great personality!  You laugh all of the time and babble on and on!  You still think your Daddy is the most funny person you know and he can always make you smile and giggle!  Right now, you are enamored by males, especially their voices.  You will stare and stare when we are out and everyone comments on how "studious" you are!  They obviously also continue to comment on how stinking cute you are!  Mommy and Daddy beam with pride every time someone says how cute you are!  We could not be more proud of you!  You are a joy to be around and we are so, so blessed to have you in our lives! 

We love you more than life, Kinley Jo.

All our hearts, Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Mama Mouse said...

YAY! LOVE blog updates. Kinley is indeed getting so big and we love watching her grow!! :)