Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6 Months

May 20th, 2012

Today, my Sweet Pea, you are six months old! You...

-weigh 16 pounds (50th percentile) and are 26" long (55th percentile)
-have a big head (17" - 70th percentile)
-wear size 2 diapers but can wear size 3.
-wear 6 month or 6-9 month clothes.
-are so busy, rolling everywhere!
-talk all the time, to anyone who will listen, including your giraffe or even your hands!
-definitely know your Mommy and Daddy
-are eating real food including, rice cereal, carrots, bananas, peas, squash, and applesauce
-eat twice a day; once with Miss Amy and once with us.
-love your jumper and walker because you are upright and moving!
-have figured out how to scream.  Not because you're mad or sad, but because you can!
-sit up really well and concentrate on any toy in front of you.  If the dogs walk by, sometimes you fall over!
-love your activity table because you're really starting to develop some balance
-sleep in your own room on the Nap Nanny.  You still wake up once or twice a night and are hungry.
-still hate your car seat
-love bath time, lake time, pool time - anything to do with water!
-laugh and smile at anyone.  I love how free you are with your smiles and laughter!  It makes Mommy proud!
-still take Prevacid every night for your reflux.  We think we've got it under control.
-might have your Daddy's allergies because you are constantly battling watery eyes, runny nose, and a cough.
-watched your Daddy's Baseball team get THIRD IN THE STATE!  Go FALCONS!

Dear Kinley Jo,
  Your daddy and I are so proud of you!  We think (of course) that you are the most beautiful baby in the world!  We love introducing you to new people and bragging about how friendly you are!  You will go to almost anyone and enjoy being held but not cuddled!  You are so independent and want to do everything on your own!  If you could, you'd NEVER lay down and are constantly straining to try to sit up.  All of your grandparents love you so much!  You are really hypnotized by male voices and love hearing all of your grandpa's talk!  You also Skype really well which makes living far away just a little bit easier.  Now that school is out, you spend about half a day with Miss Amy and the second half of the day with Daddy.  We have taken you swimming at our neighborhood pool a few times and have enrolled us in AquaTots.  You also have been swimming in the lake and LOVE the water!  Bella and Dakota are getting used to you but still don't seem to care too much about you being around.  Both of them smell you several times a day and sometimes give you kisses in your face.  You think it is hilarious!  You take baths in a big girl bathtub or shower with daddy.  We cannot convince you to do anything laying down anymore, even having a diaper changed.  You have gorwn up so much!  I am always worried about missing something with you and think that we don't have nearly enough pictures or videos of you!  Miss Kinley, we love you so very much.  We are beyond blessed to have you in our lives and Thank God every day that he trusted us with such an amazing little girl!

We love you more than ever!
Love you,
Mommy and Daddy

So serious!  Watching Daddy win 3rd at State!  GO Falcons!
**Yes, I know it is late.  I swear I will be more prepared next month...


Mama Mouse said...

Happy 6 months Kinley! I L-O-V-E how much she smiles -- it just melts our hearts! And we've been so lucky to get to spend some fun times together lately -- check out all of those pictures of Kinley with her cousins Ledger and Locke. It will be even more fun when ALL of the cousins are together soon!

Michelle said...

I love that picture of her with the sidewalk chalk...soooo cute! And all the other pics are adorable, too, of course, but those 2 with the chalk really stood out!