Saturday, February 4, 2012

Random Happenings

Question of the year:  What do hillbillies do in Johnson County?

That's right, shoot our bow and our basement.

And what do hillbilly wives do in Johnson County?

Yep, watch our husbands shoot their bow and arrow in their basements.  Cool.

And because we have the cutest, most adorable baby in the world...

Sitting up like a big girl in our Bumbo seat talking to Daddy

Laying on my activity mat that I got from BoomMa and BoomPa

How cute is my outfit?  I dressed up for dinner with Grandma and Grandad!
Trying to replay a scene from a recent comedy... while watching Daddy clean the backyard.
And because I'm home with the babe and addicted to Pinterest, I decided to try to make one of my crafts.  Since the weather has been so nice, our winter carseat cover is a little too warm for our little one.  Being the crafty person that I think I am, I made a Spring, light-weight cover.  What do you think? 

PS If you don't like, don't say a freaking word.  It was hard.  And I hate sewing buttons!  If only I knew some awesome FACS teachers that could help me...


Brandy said...

That is hilarious! Bella looks scared. I can't believe how big Kinley is getting. Great job on the carseat cover up! Can't wait to hang with the hillbillies ;)

Just Jana said...

Ha, ha! Your sewing skills are advanced in my mind...buttons and zippers?! Heck, I'm at an 8th grade level. :)