Friday, January 20, 2012

2 months

January 20th, 2012

Yes, she's sleeping.  Sorry...
 Today, my sweet girl, you are 2 months old!

sleep about 6 hours a night (on average)
wake up starving and then promptly fall back asleep (usually)
smile often during the day, but usually not when I have my camera out!
are in 0-3 month clothes, and some 3 months clothes.
are wearing size 1 diapers (finally!)
weigh 11 lbs 8.5 oz (70th percentile), height of 23.5" (75th percentile)
love bath time so much that sometimes you even fall asleep!
love your thumb, bottles, the sound of water, the fireplace/lights, and your activity mat.
hate having your clothes changed, being burped, when you toot, being alone, and the dark.
are eating about half and half from mommy and formula, but have a lot of difficulty breastfeeding.
have been very sick this past month with GERD (reflux), thrush, and an eye infection.
are very aware of Dakota (Bella doesn't get close enough for you to see her).
sleep in a swing at night time and are calmed with Happiest Baby on the Block

You've had lots of firsts this month too.  You had your first...
road trip to Lindsborg for the holidays
social smile at Oma
party in your favor to meet all of your family
giggle while mommy was taking a shower (were your laughing at my naked body?) :)
church service (you've been twice already and have done awesome!)
baptism - this was very important to Mommy, especially to wear the same gown Mommy were for her baptism!

Dear Kinley,
  Wow, 2 months already!  We are really starting to figure this whole thing out and could even pass as doing a good job!  We have been doing the Happiest Baby on the Block since the week before Christmas and are so thankful for it!  You sleep pretty well now and can even sleep through the night!  You ride pretty well in the car after we calm you down, but initially, you hate your car seat.  We don't blame you either.  You are on lots of medication right now, but you seem to be feeling better.  You are taking liquid Zantac, a solutab Prevacid, liquid medicine for thrush, and eye drops!  Whew!  We pray every day that you will be able to start feeling better and we can enjoy more of those beautiful smiles!  Daddy had to go back to work after the New Years and Mommy goes back to work in a month and is already dreading being away from you all day!  We love you so very much, Kinley Jo.  We cannot wait to see your personality develop and enjoy seeing you become an amazing little girl!

We love you, Sweetheart, with all of our hearts!
Mommy and Daddy


Mama Mouse said...

WE love you too Kinley! Happy 2 month birthday anniversary!
Aunt Kendell, Uncle Chris, and Ledger

Brandy said...

Yay! 2 months!!! Great blog but I'm always left wanting more, more, more. Can't wait to hold her. Love you all.

ClickNCamera said...

Doesn't seem possible...2 months?! You are a joy to us all Kinley, happy anniversary sweetie, we love you! (Please don't give your mommy a complex about her nakedness ...Ok?) Looking forward to our next visit...miss you all! Love, BoomMa and BoomPa