Monday, April 19, 2010

Hillbilly Josh

So Josh is a nag. No, really... he will nag me to death if I let him. So I usually give in. This happend on Sunday. Josh has been NAGGING me to death about some rifle that he wanted. Not to hunt with, but "just to shoot stuff". Yep, those were his exact words. After hearing this pathetic begging for the past 6 months, I gave in. Here he is (sorry for the dark photo, it was late) sitting on our anniversary swing holding his rifle.


Unknown said...

You two act like you live in the ghetto! It's Olathe Perkins, how many firearms do you need :)

Brandy said...

How many Anniversary's have you had to have so many anniversary gifts? lol
Too funny. Far from hillbilly. Let me take you to Oklahoma and have you shoot a shotgun at rats.

Mama Mouse said...

I'm *pretty* sure it's illegal to discharge a firearm in the city. Fair warning. Emily, beware.... I see a semi-automatic in his future.