Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reed - 9 months

February 6, 2015

My precious little boy, you are nine months old!

Right now, you...
- weigh about 20 pounds
- wear size 3 diapers
- wear size 9-12 month clothes
- do not sleep very well
- are still breast feeding and taking a few mixed formula bottles at day care
- eating just about anything we eat
- how did your second trip to Colorado, and your first trip to Breckenridge! You love the snow! But you did get altitude sickness…
- you crawl, pull up (on everything!), and take steps while holding someone's hands
- Love your walker and your basketball goal
- think your daddy and your sister are so funny, but need your mommy when you are sad!
- still so so so happy!

Dear my sweet Reed,

  You have been an absolute joy to have in our lives! You are loving and cuddly and enjoy being held and cuddled. You are very very busy and are moving from the minute you get up to when you go to bed. Currently, you love corn and two potatoes and vegetables the most. You are really into the sweets like apples, carrots or puffs. Very opposite of your sister! You still only have two teeth but you slobber like you are trying to get a few more! We are so excited for what the future holds for you little man!

We love you and love you,
Daddy, Mommy and Kinley

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