Saturday, March 28, 2015

Reed - 10 months

March 6, 2015

My big boy, you are ten months old!

Right now, you...
- weigh about 22 pounds
- wear size 3 diapers
- wear size 12 month clothes
- are sleeping much better but sometimes still wake up once or twice at night.
- are still breast feeding and taking a few mixed formula bottles at day care
- eating just about anything we eat but love your Lil' Crunchers, ham, hotdogs, and cheese!
- you crawl very fast, cruise on anything, even Bella, and take steps while holding someone's hands
- love playing peek-a-boo
- love anything your sister has, your walker, blocks and your basketball goal
- have the best belly laughs and think your sister is hilarious! 
- still so so so happy!

My sweet Reed,

  You are so much fun! You are so busy and keep us on our toes at all times! You love the dogs room and trying to get to their food and water bowl to play with. You are becoming more interested in books but just love the snuggle time with mommy and daddy! You love bath time and enjoy splashing and making a mess! I wish that we could freeze time so I can remember each and every little expression and sweetness that you have! 

We love you and love you,
Daddy, Mommy and Kinley

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