Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Reed-8 months

January 6, 2015

Sweet sweet boy, time is flying by for Daddy and I. You are 8 months old!

Right now, you...
- weigh about 19 1/2 pounds
- wear size 3 diapers
- wear size 9 month clothes
- do not sleep at night, still
- are no longer on Prevacid or Zantac, you developed an allergy to them
- are still breast feeding and taking a few mixed formula bottles at day care
- eating just about anything we eat
- spent your first night away from Mommy and Daddy (5 nights, to be exact) while they went to Orlando
- you crawl, pull up (on everything!), and take steps while holding someone's hands
- love the dogs!
- are taking sips of water and LOVE it!
- had your first Christmas!
- still so so so happy!

Dear my sweet Reed,

  You are such a happy and loving baby! You are a cuddly baby who loves to be held and kissed! You think your sister is hysterical and you are dying to do everything she does! She loves you and think you are the very best "toy" anyone could ever ask for! Your smile and giggles will brighten anyone's day and you share it willingly to anyone who makes eye contact with you! We never knew we could have so much love in our lives, but you have exploded our hearts with the love woe have for you and your sister!

We love you and love you,
Daddy, Mommy and Kinley

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