Thursday, December 22, 2011

One Month


Today, you...

are 1 month old
sleep all day and cry most of the night
smile in your sleep (and sometimes when you toot)
are just barely moving from your newborn clothes up to 0-3 month clothes
hate socks, having your diaper changed, the dark, and being naked
love baths, bottles, your bouncy seat, and the sound of water
weigh 9 lbs 2 oz and are 21" long
have found your thumb (but we're really encouraging a pacifier!)
are feeding mostly from Mommy but are supplemented with formula (we're working on this)
love hearing your Daddy's voice and especially love his singing
hate being left alone and you much prefer to be held and cuddled
are only slightly aware of Bella and Dakota
have GERD (Reflux) and are taking baby Zantac (which breaks Mommy and Daddy's hearts)

Dear Kinley,
We have experienced many things in the past month and are still getting used to each other! We try anything and everything to make you happy (and hopefully always will!). You keep us up most of the night but with each random smile and rolling toots, you melt our hearts and forget how bad the nights are. We are going on our first trip this upcoming weekend and are nervous about how you will do. I think you will do perfect at Oma and Doodah's house but am worried about the car ride. You often times get unhappy when you realize that you aren't being held! This weekend is your first official Christmas. We feel so blessed to have your in our lives and cannot imagine our life without you in it!

We love you with all of our hearts!
Mommy and Daddy
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Brandy said...

Awe! She is getting so big. Happy 1 month Kinley. We can't wait to meet you.

Brandy said...

I'm still wondering how a 1 month old does not like socks or dark? You have one smart cookie there. My kids still don't realize they have a choice. Ha

Mama Mouse said...

Happy 1 month birthday Kinley. Your aunt Kendell cannot believe how much you've already changed from a "newborn" into an "infant"! Your little cheeks have rounded out and you're getting taller by the minute!

Maybe you should leave FIRST THING in the morning for the road trip. That's usually when she sleeps the best, isn't it? :)