Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kinley's First Week...and then some.

Miss Kinley has had her ups and downs.  Literally.  Her weight was a concern even before we left the hospital.  Since then, we have been to the doctor 3 times and had a home health nurse twice to do weight checks.  Because of this, we have had to supplement forumla.  I was VERY against supplementing but after they scared the crap out of me about her weight, I caved.  We started with finger feeding and tube feeding.  It was exhausting.  If I wasn't breastfeeding, I was pumping or begging her to eat.  Monday, we bit the bullet and bought some bottles.  Epic fail.  However, on Friday, we gained weight!  Woo hoo!  Our doctor was so excited that he allowed us to go two weeks before following up again!  This is excellent news since we were going twice a week!

Her sleeping habits have also been up and down.  Some nights we'll have a good 3-4 hours in between feedings and other nights we'll have none.  No seriously.  Friday night she slept maybe 3 hours all together.  It was miserable.  Josh and I looked at each other several times and said, "I don't know what else to try."  It is very frusturating to not be able to help your baby.

Each day continues to be a challenge.  We are learning as we go.  She seems to be a happy baby for the most part so we feel we're on the right track!  Now, if only we can get some sort of sleeping arrangement down...

Kinley is two weeks old today.  She has started making tears (and using them!).  She seems to have lots of tummy issues and gets very upset when she toots.  She smiles in her sleep and sometimes when she's breastfeeding.  She has been out of the house a few times (the first was to a doctor's appointment and lunch at Mi Ranchito).  She will not sleep unless she has a warm body holding her.  Her belly button fell off after one week.  She weighs approximately 7 lbs 10 oz.  She is the light and joy of our lives!


Brandy said...

She is so cute! I wish I could hold her. 7 months is too long.

Mama Mouse said...

You are doing great! The first few weeks are tough, but things get better. LOVE YOU.

ClickNCamera said...

Great post! I hope Kinley is feeling better and over the colic soon! Looking forward to seeing you you!