Saturday, February 12, 2011

Super Bowl Fun

Super Bowl Sunday we decided to have a little par-tay! Angie and Bryan, Brad and Julie, Don and Mary Lynn, and Matt, Jana, and Cade came over.
Don and Mary Lynn rarely get a picture with their boys so we forced a photo. Aren't they adorable (except Josh, who is Super hot)? And Mary Lynn, even though you're not a fan, I like Brad's beard.
I spent most of my time preparing for the game by making pulled pork sliders, rotel cheese dip, and homemade sugar cookies with delicious royal frosting. It was a lot of work (more than I was expecting), but worth it. I think.
Bella and Dakota felt a little left out of the action, so Dakota tried to get fresh with Angie, and both of them tried to get fresh with Cade.

I got a little one-on-one time with the Cadester while we practiced pulling up and trying to keep up with Bella and Dakota. He is getting so big! 9 months, can you believe it?

And just so you see the insanity of my cookies. I think I may need to invest in some smaller icing tips so that I can do more detailed work. Go Pack!

Lastly, I needed to post a picture of my neighbors driveway last week. How cool is that? Some people are so creative! And have so much time when they are a stay-at-home parent!


Brandy said...

I have no clue what that stay at home parent does to have time for that. I barely find time to bath! Nice cookies! Those look more time consuming than the shark to me. Awesome-YUM!

ClickNCamera said...

That platter of cookies should be on the cover of Martha Stewart! No kidding! It's great you got a current photo of the "original Perkins" for Mary Lynn, too. I'm sure you all had a great supper bowl party...what a hostess you have proud of you! Good to see a new post!

Mama Mouse said...

1. I like Brad's beard too
2. Cade is SOOO big!!
3. Cookies look amazing! :)
4. Holy crap, are you kidding me?? That snow shark is incredible.
5. I'm so glad to see a new blog post!!

ClickNCamera said...

Oh, that shark is awesume! Wow...wish I thought of that!