Thursday, November 18, 2010

Challenge...Semi Accepted?

So my sister challenged me and my other sister to a "Thanksgiving" challenge. This would be to "Give Thanks" for something specific each day until Thanksgiving. I feel excited that my sisters will be blogging every single day until Thanksgiving, but extremely weary of my own ability to complete this challenge. So, for this particular instance, the challenge is accepted...for now.

I am thankful for Fridays. No, seriously. God created them just for me. It is extremely difficult for me to manage to get through Mondays and Tuesdays. Wednesdays are when I can barely see that glittering light at the end of this dreary tunnel. Thursdays...a freaking tease. And then there is Friday. The day that I can jump in my car at about 5:30 pm (well, okay, more like 6:30 pm) and can either drive to see my family, friends, or my amazing little puppies! Either way, I am headed away from work and into two days of HOME!


Brandy said...

Yay! Mine will be short and sweet most days Im sure.

Mama Mouse said...

Fridays ROCK... unless you have to work on Saturday. :( Either way, HAVE A HAPPY FRIDAY.