Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day (to all the Mom's in my life)

To all of my mothers: Thanks!

Thanks for taking the time to baby me when I need it.
For being tough on me when I need it (which is probably more often).
For always being an ear to listen to my problems.
For always encouraging me.
For the advice that I am always needing but don't always ask for.
For loving me and helping me become more and more like you!
I love you all!

To both of my sisters (who are also mothers): Thanks!
Thanks for teaching me what I do and don't want to do with my kids!
For being a sounding board for everything in my life!
For guiding the way with all of my experiences!
For letting me question why you do the things you do with your kids so that I will have a clue (hopefully) what to do with my kids, someday!
For letting me be a part of your kids lives! (I LOVE being Auntie Em!)
For being friends when I needed to gossip, sisters when I needed advice, and family when I just needed to be loved! I LOVE you both!


ClickNCamera said...

That was a beautiful post, Emily! I sure enjoyed having ALL my kids around me last weekend! You are a REAL joy to be around...we love you very much! Missing you, Millie

Mama Mouse said...

Thank you for all the love and for always keeping me in the loop. ;) I can't wait until I can wish you a Happy Mother's Day for your own (non-furry) kids.

Brandy said...

Awww. Thanks. I was going to send you a happy mothers day since you have your girls, but I totally got caught up in the day and didn't get half the happys out that I wanted. Thanks for being an awesome sister!! Love you.