Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The appointment

Today was Josh's appointment at the Orthopedic doctor's. We were anxious to hear some good news. Instead, devestation. No surgery. No manipulation. No anything. He said that the clavicle was in 4 or 5 pieces. WHAT?? Yeah, 4 or 5 pieces. He said that to surgically fix this would be like taking small pebbles and trying to glue them back together. There would be a high possibility of a non-union with all of the pieces AND that no matter what, he'd have to have the plate removed after a certain amount of time. Anyway, he said that we are to keep doing what we're doing. Immobilization for 4 more weeks. At least. He has a follow up scheduled then to re-evaluate the need for surgical intervention. They will take an x-ray then to check progress and healing. Keep your fingers crossed. But until then, keep us in your prayers.

(In case you don't know how miserable this is for him, tie your non-dominant arm to your body. Leave it there for 4 weeks. You will need to figure out how to shower, dress, shave, put on socks, drive - and wear your seatbelt, and sleep. Not to mention that baseball season officially starts in 2 weeks...)

For all of you interested in the X-Ray, I finally figured it out (well, actually Josh did!).


amy said...

holy smokes, josh! poor guy! hope you feel better soon. sending healing powers and prayers your way!

Mama Mouse said...

GEEZ, you make it sound terrible. It sounds like they're telling you just to keep doing what you're doing and it is going to heal up OK, right?

Mama Mouse said...

Boy, this is such a good x-ray. Josh should post it on his facebook. :)

Mr. Michel said...

Just hang in there, and keep doing what you're doing.

Mary said...

We learned in school "if two pieces of a broken clavicle are in the same room, they will heal together." For some reason I always remembered that! Not a fun injury though :(