Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Update (nothing exciting!)

Thank you sisters for reminding me how behind I am on blogging. HOWEVER, not much has been happening with us.

-Falcon Football season is over (boo!)

-Went to the KSU-OU football game in Norman but forgot my camera. We had a blast seeing family and seeing our Cats almost pull it off! Next year Bob, watch out! We also took family photos but thought that I shouldn't post those since they haven't been "officially" released! Welcome back Bill...we missed you!

-Had an AWESOME G-Phi dinner on Wednesday, November 4th. Got to see some friends that I haven't seen literally in years! It was really nice. Even though I seemed to talk about the news and no one knew what I was talking about...crickets. Anyway, it was still a blast to see everyone! Plus, someone made the best cupcakes I have ever had! I even brought 3 home with me and didn't share with anyone! :) Thanks Jamie!

-Watched the KSU-KU game on Saturday in the comfort of my own home with friends and family over. Mom and Buddy were in town and we layed low all weekend...playing Bag-O and Aggrivation (awesome new game that they taught us).

-This week I am on call, which means nothing except that I have to convince hospitals that what they are ordering, is not, in fact, an emergency. And the sound of my pager is probably the most annoying sound in the world. Definitely more annoying than the sound on Dumb and Dumber.

-And yes, I do realize that it is November 10th and I have not posted a Recipe of the Month. For all of you on the edge of your seats, I will tell you what it will be. This weekend is the first time that I will have any time to do any baking so I will post pictures and recipe on Saturday. I am making a Jalepeno Garlic Bread loaf. :) YUMMY!


ClickNCamera said...

And you thought nothing was going on...silly you! Enjoy your day!

Brandy said...

Yea! Blog. I love hearing about the nothings too. Love ya!

Mama Mouse said...

To quote my little sister: "Woot Woot". Yay for a blog update!! :) Hope you and the girls are doing well. Love - big sister-