Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy "New Moon" Day!

So today, New Moon comes out. I am unfortunately not getting to see it on opening day. Can you believe that our movie theatre was SOLD OUT (well...sort of) until Tuesday? Angie and I are spoiled and refuse to go to movies unless they are in Fork and Screen or Cinema Suites. Pathetic, I know. But nevertheless, they are sold out in these theatres until Tuesday! So, I will post a review then. I am saddened by my morning radio show's review. Mike Evans only gave it 1 1/2 stars... :( But, he's old so that's okay!

We will, however, be watching The Blind Side tonight on opening night! So freaking excited for this movie. Mike Evans gave it 4 stars! He never gives 4 stars! I love Sandra Bullock and I love the story line. I sort of got obsessed during the draft this past year where they spotlighted his story on ESPN. It was amazing and the movie will be even more amazing! So, Happy "The Blind Side" Day too!


Mama Mouse said...

I'm excited too. LOVE YOU!!

Jamie said...

I don't know who this Mike Evens fellow is but he clearly doesn't understand the entertainment value of a six-pack.

Brandy said...

I gave your mom my book The Blind Side, you should ask to borrow it. I love watching Baltimore games just to see Michael Oher. :)

The Bing's said...

Can I just say ignore all the reviews except mine... if you loved the books like I did you will love the movie... it was amazing... sighs in the audience when jacob takes his shirt off for the first time... I LOVE IT!!!!! I also want to see the other movie you posted about it looks soooo good.. just trying to convince my husband to take me to see it!

Just Jana said...

Dude, the 7th grade girls spoke of nothing other than the New Moon movie today. Some mom took a huge group of them to see it at midnight last night and they would NOT shut up about it! I thought of you. :)