Saturday, April 28, 2012

5 months

April 20th, 2012

Today, my beautiful little girl, you are FIVE MONTHS old! 

-STILL smile and laugh all of the time (especially at Daddy)
-wear size 2 diapers, 3-6 and 6 months clothes
-wear bows and ribbons when we go out
-have had TWO ear infections in one month, and perhaps 2 pink eyes
-have not been a good sleeper (probably because you've been sick)
-STILL do not have a nap schedule but occasionally will nap for 2 hours
-love bath time (STILL!) but not your baby bathtub!
-hate, hate, hate your car seat! STILL
-roll all over the place, front to back, back to front (March 27th)
-eat cereal at night time mixed with apple juice (organic, of course!)
-have found your feet but still prefer your hands
-have GERD but Dr. Baker says that although its pretty severe, it is under control
-LOVE day care with Miss Amy's Babies
-have beento the zoo a few times
-sit up a lot and can sit up by myself!  I'm a big girl after all!
-had your first Easter
- (3 days later) my future husband was born!  I love a younger man!  Liam James Morris!

Dearest Kinley,
  You are so much fun now!  You are talking up a storm whether someone is talking to you or not!  You have been to several baseball games but get overwhelmed when we got to too many in one week.  You are so alert and are observing EVERYTHING!  Baseball parents think you are very serious because of how you stare at everyone!  Although, all it takes is a little smile or laugh to bring her happy face out!  Your beautiful blue eyes are getting bluer and bluer every day which Daddy and I love!  You continue to be so strong!  You will pull yourself up from laying down if you have anything to hold on to!  You always prefer to be upright and standing if possible!  We still think you're trying to cut some teeth and will chew on chew toys, fingers, clothes, binkies...anything you can get into your mouth!  You slobber all of the time and are continually soaking your clothes!  We put a bib on you every day to help keep you in the same outfit for the whole day, except when we go to church.  You stay in the nursery at church and do a fantastic job!  They all comment on how cute you are and how much they love seeing your smiling face every Sunday.  This makes Mommy and Daddy feel very proud!  We talk every day about who you might become and what you will be like when you get older.  The anticipation of what your personality and voice will be like is killing us!  We love you so very much!  Sometimes it is hard to believe how much we love you and CRAVE being with you!  You are the light our lives!  We feel like we are the most blessed people in the world that God gave us you!  

We love you more than we can ever tell you,
Love, Mommy and Daddy

Letting Sammy and Zoey get used to having babies around!


The Bing's said...

Emily she is so sweet!!! I love your updates and they inspire me to keep up with Olivia's, I need to do her 4 month one soon... I love the way you write and the sweet notes to her. She sounds a lot like Olivis, she is a drool machine and bibs do nothing to help save her clothes. No teeth yet though!

Brandy said...

I love these posts. My absolute favorite picture is you in mommy's lap with NO bow! I see the pretty face you. Your are so beautiful sweet Kinley and I count the days until I can see you and your cousins. I love you all more than words can say. Xo Auntie B

Mama Mouse said...

We sure have loved watching Kinley grow and change. We love those big blue eyes and her huge smiles!