Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Shaggin' Wagon

Well today, Josh and I officially became part of the geriatric crowd. We bought...wait for it...a station wagon. No, really. It is awesome! Why wouldn't everyone buy a station wagon? They are SO practical! The reason for our purchase, you might ask, is because with our two precious dogs in the car, there was no room for any people in the back seat. We needed more room.

Although it is definitely a station wagon, we love it. It is a Ford Taurus X.

Best part? The room, of course!

I found a hilarious picture online of a little boy and his dad curled up asleep on the back platform. I am thinking that if the two of them can fit, Bella and Dakota should be more than comfortable. So pumped about our geriatric Shaggin' Wagon! Look for my KSU license plate cruising around Independence, MO!


Mama Mouse said...

WooHoo!! Congrats on your big purchase! I'm sure you'll love it.

Brandy said...

I love it! You are so not JoCo and that rocks. I always say, when your comfortable with who you are then you don't need a status symbol gas guzzler vehicle. When little perks arrives one day you will be happy for the room to carry all his/her crap around :) congrats! Ps you need all that space to take my boys places when we move that direction.

ClickNCamera said...

Can't wait for a spin around town...congrats!