Thursday, September 9, 2010

Weekend Recap

Friday night kicked off football season! Go Falcons!
We started off on the road against Lawrence Free State.
Yeah, they are good. We lost.
But look how cute my husband is!
I love when he's "coaching" his players!

Because we had the game on Friday night, we had a late start to our Labor Day weekend. We did get to take the dogs and even let them swim and wear themselves out on the beach.
The fun part about Bella and Dakota, is that they almost always feel like they must both carry the stick back in to us. What is even more fun is that sometimes they get on opposite sides facing opposite directions and just swim in circles! So funny!

And to top off our amazing weekend? Yep, time with the Ledge.
He loves playing with his Uncle Josh! (Please notice the TV pulled up to the sliding glass door. Did you think that we'd miss the Cats on TV even though we were at the lake? Never!)

Even though the Ledge is allergic to milk, his Mommy and Oma let him have some of Oma's fudgecicle. What rebels! He loved it...obviously...we do share blood, here!

And this one? Yeah, it's just cute. That's my only justification for posting it!

Hope your weekend was as fun as mine! We needed it after a week of stress where most of us have been surrounded by sadness. Our Grammie is feeling tired but good and ready to start chemo and radiation soon, but my sister lost a friend from high school at just 30 and our cousin's beautiful 8-month old son died at child care this week. Please keep these families in your prayers.


Brandy said...

cute cute cute. Wish we were there. Before you know it we will be living so close!!! YAY

Mama Mouse said...

That is a really good picture of Dakota and Bella. Your dogs are quite photogenic! :) I'm glad you blogged, I was getting tired of seeing a picture of your beat up car on my homepage! :)