Wednesday, July 22, 2009


On Wednesday, July 22nd, Josh and I headed out to Seattle to see my sister's family. She and her husband have moved all over the US due to the Military and this is the first time that we have gotten to come see where they are living!
We have been looking forward to this trip for a long time and were very anxious to see our nephews and of course Seattle. This is our first couple of views of Seattle! :)
After getting picked up at the airport, we headed back to their house. We had a blast playing with Jonas and Ronan! Jeremy was still at work when we arrived so we got a chance to goof around with the kids while we started getting things ready for dinner. By the way, Jeremy makes a mean Salmon...this coming from a non-fish eater!
After Ronan got done eating, Brandy washed him off the old fashion way - in the sink! He was so happy to be in his mommy's arms that he could have cared less that he was getting a mini-bath!
And last but not least, me with my adorable little nephews before we get them ready for bed. They are so cute and happy! I can't wait to spend more time with them this week!
Posts to follow: ferry ride, Seattle, Duck Tour, day on the post shooting and flying simulator, Mount Rainier hiking, whale watching, day with Mary, Mariners game....ahh, I love vacation!


Mama Mouse said...

Can't wait to see more! :)

Kelly Michael said...

I am so glad you had a good time. I was thinking about you all last week. Can't wait to hear all about it.