Friday, June 26, 2009

New bedroom...

So since Nebraska Furniture Mart was having 32 months no interest, we decided to go "look" at bedroom furniture. We had been talking about buying a king size bed for awhile and once we got there...we took the plunge.
Now, Josh has been making fun of me for years about the desire to get a Sleigh bed as that is generally referred to as "Old traditional" furniture and he is definitely modern. However, I won. I love our new bed furniture and I LOVE our new mattress set. It was very comfortable.
The downside was that the matching furniture WAS very "old" looking. So we snagged a drawer and went and mismatched the color of our wood with a set that we did like. The set looks like the dresser below...


Mama Mouse said...

Your furniture is really nice! Congratulations. Chris will be sincerely jealous.

Brandy said...

I love the new furniture and how it makes your room look so big with those windows! :) hee hee We are jealous too. We got the king bed, but no furniture yet. Maybe later.

Just Jana said...

Very nice! How long is this 32 month no interest thing going on? I need to hit that up!!

Jamie said...

I want a sleigh bed too! I think its called "classic" not "old traditional". :)