Monday, March 28, 2016

Jack - 1 month

March 24th, 2016

My sweet Jack, you are one month old!  Where has time gone?

- weigh 10 lbs 1 oz, 21.65" long (46% each)
- wear newborn and size 1 diapers
- wear newborn and 0-3 month clothes
- exclusively breastfeed and are very good at it!
- sleep about 2-3 hours a night
- love baths, cuddling, babywearing, eating, your siblings, your Daddy
- hate your carseat, taking medicine, being put down, loud noises

Dear Jack,
My sweet little surprise, how did we not know that we needed you in our lives?  You have been a blessing and an absolute delight.  We have spent the last month cuddling and hanging out.  Our month started off with home health because you were jaundice.  Mommy hated that you had to have your blood checked every day for a week.  However, it was pretty cute to see you with the "bili-blanket".  We nicknamed you gloworm!  You are the most poopy baby I have ever seen, but that is part of the reason your bilirubin levels leveled out and eventually decreased!  You gained back your weight within a week!  Such a good little eater!  This weekend will be your first Easter and our first attempt at church!  The week after is your baptism!  We love you to pieces little man!

Love you,
Mommy, Daddy, Sissy and Bubby

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