Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Reed - One Year

May 6, 2015

Bubby, you...
- weigh 25 lbs, 2 ounces 
- wear size 3 diapers
- wear size 12-18 month clothes
- have 6 teeth! They all broke through in the last two weeks!!!
- are walking everywhere and climbing on everything
- love your "sissy" 
- are still nursing but will eat just about anything
- think your Daddy is hilarious and the greatest toy ever
- love playing ball and kicking soccer balls

My sweet Reed,
As I write this, my eyes are filling up with tears. How can you already be a year old? You are such a joy to our lives and make everyone around you laugh with yourninfectious smile and giggles. We love you so much sweet boy and thank God that we get to watch you grow up!

We love you and love you,
Mom, Daddy and Kinley

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