Saturday, December 27, 2014

Reed - 7 months

December 6th, 2014

My sweet big boy, you are 7 months old and you...
- weigh 19.1 lbs
- still just have the two bottom teeth
- wear size 2 or 3 diapers
- wear 6-9 or 9 month clothes
- have started having mixed breast milk and formula bottles
- started solids (carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, bananas, peas, green beings, pumpkin)
- Love you big sister and are desperate to keep up with her
- crawl backwards pretty efficiently and can crawl around in circles
- say dada that and baba but don't know what either means.
- you still did not sleep very well at night
- Love mommy and daddy cuddles

My Dear Reed,

You have been such a blast! You smile all the time and people are always commenting on how happy you are and how pretty baby you are! You have been struggling at night which is starting to affect poor mommy and daddy, but we love how happy and chill you are during the day, so we will take it! You are very busy and hate that you can't crawl or walk yet! We will have our hands full for sure when you figure those things out! We love you so much sweet baby and feel so blessed that God chose us to be your family!

Love you and love you,
Daddy, Mommy and Kinley

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