Thursday, October 9, 2014

Reed - 5 months

Oh my goodness, little man, I cannot believe that you are already 5 months old! 

- wear size 2 diapers and wear some 3-6 month and mostly 6 month clothes
- weigh about 17.5 pounds
- sleep pretty good! You must be growing because you wake up consistently 2-3 times a night to eat, but fall back to sleep easily!
- Smile and laugh all of the time, still! You are just the happiest baby!
- still take Zantac twice a day and if we forget, we are quickly reminded!
- love being cuddled and getting all of the attention!
- hate your car seat
- slobber and chew on everything!
- sleep in your own room!
- rode on a carousel for the first time with Grandma at the zoo!
- went to your first Royals game!

Sweet baby Reed,
You are such a blessing to our family! You are such a happy baby and absolutely love everyone you meet! Your big sister has really started to take a liking to you and always want you to be around! Your belly lasso put a smile on anyone's face and are easily tickled to get it! You are so easy-going and being the second child, just get toted everywhere! You are such an awesome baby and we are so lucky to have you as our son!

We love you to pieces,
Daddy, Mommy and big sister Kinley

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