Saturday, September 6, 2014

Reed - 3 months

August 6, 2014

Three whole months! It is hard to believe! Right now, you...

- weigh about 15 pounds
- wear size 1 or 2 diapers and size 3 months clothes 
- smile all of the time!
- you rolled over front to back and back to front!
- sleep through the night! 9:30 pm to 5 am!
- Love your big sister and think she is funny! (She thinks you are pretty great too!)
- Love standing up, being sang to, the bouncer seat, and being talked to

My dear Reed,
I cannot believe you are three months old already! Mommy had to go back to work and you have started childcare with Miss Amy. She loves you and I think you like her too! Although no one is as good as mommy! You are taking a bottle pretty well with her but still prefer to nurse! We have finally gotten into a routine in the morning and the afternoon and daddy and I think we have finally figured some things out with our schedule! You love your daddy and are always looking for him when you hear his voice. Your big sister Kinley makes you laugh and you love to watch her and I can tell you desperately want to be doing what she is doing! 

We love you so much sweet baby!
Daddy, Mommy, and big sister Kinley

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