Thursday, February 28, 2013

15 months


Weight - 21 lb 14 oz, 34%
Height - 31.3", 43%
Head Circ - 18", 70%

Kinley Jo, you are such a busy little diva! You are very ornery and are constantly testing your limits!
You love going up and down the stairs, playing in the dog kennels and dog water bowl, closing doors (and often times closing yourself in), and throwing balls!
You have started biting and hitting but reserve most of that for mommy.
You are literally running all over the place and refuse to sit still!
Your favorite foods are any fruit and vegetables (especially blueberries, tomatoes, corn and peas), spaghetti, Goldfish, and ice cream.
You are still a Momma's girl but love playing with Daddy! He can really get you laughing! We joke that Mommy is your security blanket and Daddy is your toy!
After getting tubes on January 11th, you have really started talking up a storm! You say Momma, Dada, dog, car, no, mine, uh-oh, and sometimes bye-bye. You are selective about who you talk to but have VERY little stranger danger. You wave to everyone and love blowing kisses!
You are down to one nap a day (not by our choice) and often times fall asleep at the lunch table!
You have 10 teeth and seem to be cutting new ones every week!

These have been some very exciting & months for us! You have really developed a little personality and are so much fun to be around! You are very ornery and see how far you can push your limits daily! Your smile and laugh keeps both daddy and mommy going every day and we look forward to hearing you learn new words and share your ideas! We love you so much my little pumpkin muffin, and are loving every minute of our journey together!

Love always and forever,
Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Mama Mouse said...

SO CUTE. Love all the pictures. I'm so happy that little Miss Kinley has really blossomed since having her tubes put in. It's fun to see her little personality develop right before our eyes!