Sunday, December 2, 2012

One Year!

November 20th, 2012

My Amazing Kinley! I cannot believe I am writing this! Today, you are one year old! Twelve months ago, we were meeting for the first time face to face! You were a busy baby right from the beginning and have remained so every single day! This month has been no different, you are busier than ever! This month you,
- weigh 20.7 lbs (37%)
- height 29.7" (70%)
- head is 81%
- wearing size 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers
- officially have started walking!
- but prefers crawling when you are in a hurry
- give hugs and kisses
- love push toys
- still think Daddy is hilarious
- have really started playing with the dogs and crawling all over Bella
- eat just about anything but on your terms
- love popcorn and ice cream
- drink whole milk from sippy cups during the day and formula from bottles at night
- smile all of the time, showing off your two bottom teeth!

My perfect angel, Kinley,

I cannot believe you are already one-year-old! You are beyond the light of our lives and we absolutely cannot imagine living without you! You have seem to have changed overnight and have become such a joy to everyone you meet! You are very busy and are learning new things at every turn! Right now, you're concentrating on building blocks, walking, and climbing all over everything! We have started Parents as Teachers, and Anna is very impressed with your fine motor skills! You are such a star! You love to dance and sing, especially when mommy and daddy join you! You brighten our days with your gummy little smile and now our hearts with your big hugs and open mouth kisses! My Little Kinley, we love you so very much and feel so blessed to have you in our lives! I cannot wait to see what's the next chapter of our lives will bring for you and how much I am sure you will change. We love you very much!

Love you always and always,
Mommy and Daddy

The Saturday before Kinley's birthday, we had a small birthday party to celebrate her big day!  We accidentally missed our afternoon nap so the cake was not nearly as entertaining for her as we had hoped!  Here are a few shots from the day!

1 comment:

Mama Mouse said...

YES! Love a 1 year blog!! :)