Sunday, September 25, 2011

7 months and counting down!

Tuesday we had our follow up doctors appointment. We are 31 weeks which roughly translates to 7 months! I still have pregnancy acne ( yes, that is real) and vericous veins. Besides that, everything is going pretty well. I much prefer to wear maternity clothes (or no clothes at all) to my scrubs because the elastic is too tight on my belly!

Heart rate: 156 bpm
Approx weight: 3.4 lbs
Approx length: 16.5"
Total weight gain: 19 lbs (though the doctor has it at only 15 lbs)
Waist circ: 41" (agh!)


ClickNCamera said...

You should get a pair of maternity scrubs. (paints @
and shirt @
Comfort is important!

Mama Mouse said...

So glad that things are going well. First, you ALWAYS go with whomever has the lowest amount of weight gain. Second, I love you. :)

Mama Mouse said...

Also... if you have scrubs you don't wear or know of a scrub consignment shop, you could make a cheap pair of maternity scrubs. If you need them.