Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dirty Dozen

I am crouched on the floor in a woman's room in a nursing home trying to fit compression hose on her big swollen legs when her TV reports that the "Dirty Dozen" has gotten "dirtier"! As I am trying not to pay attention to the nasty flaky skin on this ladies legs, I am focusing on listening to the report on TV. Here is what I learned:

What is the "Dirty Dozen"?
They are the vegetables and fruits that have the most pesticides used on them and thus the most pesticide residue on them when they arrive in the grocery store, your shopping cart, and finally your mouth. (Gross).

Which fruit/veggies are included in the "Dirty Dozen"?
Peaches (THE WORSE), apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, nectarines, strawberries, kale, lettuce, imported grapes, carrots, and pears.

What can you do about reducing the "Dirty Dozen" in your bellies?
Yep, buy organic. Now people, let's be honest. I am definitely NOT a health freak (please note my continual supply of chocolate in my freezer), but pesticides? I am not down with dumping more waste into my body than normally so. Herego - I may try out the organic scene when it comes to fresh veggies and fruits. Lucky for me, I have mad garden skills so my bell peppers are always organic!

What are the "Clean 15" and which veggies/fruits are included?
The "Clean 15" is basically the opposite of the "Dirty Dozen" (duh) and are the fruits and veggies that are least likely to have little if any pesticides used on them. Therefore - yep, buy cheap! Included in the "Clean 15" are: Onions, avocados, sweet corn, pineapple, mango, asparagus, sweet peas, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, papaya, watermelon, broccoli, tomato, and sweet potatoes.

Sorry for a minor rant and rave, but I thought it was interesting and it was a lot easier to pay attention to that instead of compression hose!


ClickNCamera said...

I love the fact you posted this, it's a great reminder to us all! FYI Here is a link on how to use vinigar and water to wash your produce-
This really works, I've tried it and it doesn't make your food taste like vinigar! Organic is always best, but pricy, unless you are Farmer Em and grow your own... Love you!

ClickNCamera said...

Whoops, can't spell and I've got fumble fingers too...ha!

Mama Mouse said...

I wish I had a green thumb and grow my own peppers and onions... but alas, that is not amongst my talents. :) Some of the organics aren't too much pricier than the regular, I'll have to keep my eye out for them... especially when it comes to the kid.

Brandy said...

We always buy organic on those dirty dozen items. I read about this right before Jo was born and try to buy organic fruits, veggies, milk and meat. It is worth the price. Meat is also a big item to look at. They pump so much antibiotics and hormones in the chicken and beef. I'm not a health nut and still will buy non organic at times, but changing just a little can make a big difference! We love farmers markets around here in the summer. We also buy milk that is not in plastic and does not come from cows that are pumped with all that crap. I can only do so much while they are under my watch. Great blog Em!!!

Jamie said...

I'm so jealous of your mad gardening skills.