Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Twitter what?

So on my favorite gossip website (www.bricksandstonesgossip.com) they are always referring to "twitter"... "twittering", "twittered", "twits"...etc. So, with my vast knowledge of the modern technology, I used Google to find out what it was. I created an account and found that it was the ultimate stocking device. As far as I can tell, it seems that all you do is constantly update your status of what you are doing all day long.

Two things:
1. People, get a job, life, or something resembling one of the two. There are very few people in the world that we care about their every move. You are not one of them.
2. If society is so worried about identities being stolen and our privacy, why would you think it is a good idea to tell people where you are going, what you are doing, when you will be out of your house, where you just bought overpriced shoes, where you're going to dinner...

Final thought and conclusion: DUMB

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