Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sushi and Game Night

With my parents in town for the weekend, we decided to introduce them to a tradition we have developed: sushi and game night.

Neither one of my parents have ever had sushi and were very wary...

We also invited Blake, Lindsey, and Randy... Thanks guys for a great night! :)


Mama Mouse said...

Did Mom and Buddy like it? Why haven't WE been invited to a sushi and game night? Oh... maybe because I'm not supposed to eat sushi while pregnant? Hmmm...

Brandy said...

Dad has had Sushi. He hated it, but curious if he liked it this time. Kendell, I ate Sushi the whole time I was pregnant. You just have to be selective. California rolls are safe. Josh and Emily, get out here and we will take you to some real sushi....fresh :)