Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 months

March 20th, 2012

Today, my precious daughter, you are four months old.  We have had a very exciting month!  This month, you...

-smile and laugh all of the time (especially at Daddy)
-wear size 2 diapers, 3 and 3-6 months clothes
-still have no hair and really don't seem to mind the silly bows Mommy puts on your head!
-have a scattered sleep time, usually about 4-6 hours, eat, then 2-3 hours
-still do not have a nap schedule and only nap for very short periods of time
-love bath time (STILL!)
-hate, hate, hate your car seat!
-ROLLED OVER!  Mommy missed it but Daddy got it on video tape!
-tried rice cereal and HATED it
-have found your hands useful as chew toys
-still have GERD but seem to be doing alright
-started Day Care with Miss Amy's Babies
-developed your first cold (probably from day care...)
-went to the zoo for the first time
-rode in a real swing for the first time
-got a NEW cousin, Locke Steven Michel, 3/20/12

Dear Kinley Jo,
  This month has been a difficult one for Mommy.  I have felt like I missed so much of your little milestones while I've been back at work.  Daddy and Miss Amy do a great job trying to take pictures and get as many things on video camera.  You laugh all of the time, usually at people making faces, but occasionally you seem to laugh at nothing at all!  We love seeing you smile and think that it lightens up our entire day!  You are so strong!  You are always straining to sit upright, even in your bouncer!  You love to stand up and can do so with very little help from Mommy and Daddy.  We can prop you up on the side of our coffee table and you can balance there for almost a whole minute!  You rolled over from your tummy to your back!  You did this for the first time on Monday, March 12th!  Daddy was home with you and he got so excited that he grabbed his phone camera, put you back on your tummy, and caught you rolling over the 2nd time on his video camera so Mommy could see!  You are starting to figure out your jumper and even push off with your toes when you get excited!  You are grabbing EVERYTHING!  The first place it always goes is to your mouth!  You are also a slobber monster!  Dr. Baker thinks that you might be trying to cut your first teeth!  She said that this "slobber stage" can go on for months before any teeth break the surface though!  Ouch!  We will be watching for any buds and make sure that we capture it on camera too!  Kinley, you are the absolute center of our lives!  We are so lucky to have such an awesome daughter and cannot wait to see what the next month will hold!

We love you more than words!

Love, Mommy and Daddy


Mama Mouse said...

YAY! So glad to see a post. Kinley IS so big -- I couldn't believe it when I saw her this weekend. I love her crazy shades, slobber face, and bald head! :)

Jody said...

I love the picture of her sitting in her chair next to the owl, she looks like a little Emily. Too cute!