Sunday, March 4, 2012

3 months

February 20th, 2012

  Today, the light of my life, you are 3 months old!  I cannot even believe that we have been so blessed with such a sweet little angel for three whole months!

have absolutely no sleeping pattern (ugh!)
smile a LOT and laugh quite a bit too!  It is awesome!
are wearing 3 month clothes and some 0-3 and 3-6 mos clothes!
love bath time (still) and seem to really be relaxed in the water!
love your fingers/hands, lights, activity mat and bouncy seat
hate the dark, tooting, tummy time and falling asleep
still have GERD and are taking Prevacid at night time.
are only a formula fed baby now.
love watching the dogs, but they still don't seem to notice you
sleep in the Nap Nanny at night

Dear Kinley Jo,
  This past month has been so amazing and so tough.  Mommy went back to work on February 13th and feels terrible leaving you.  However, we have so many wonderful people stepping up to help out!  Oma came the first week, Grandma is watching you the 2nd and 4th week, BoomMa is coming up the 3rd week, and Daddy will have you the 5th week.  Then, you will be starting daycare.  I am worried about that, but that is a whole month away!  When Oma was here, we found out that you don't like the binkies we had chosen for you and she bought Nuk binkies which you really like!  What a lifesaver!  When you sleep several hours at night, you are such a pleasant baby during the day!  My favorite time is right after you wake up and before lunch.  You laugh and giggle the whole time!  Right now, Mommy and Daddy can get you to smile pretty easily but it takes a little more effort to get a smile from you!  We are so in love with you, little girl.  We cannot express to you how much you make our lives better and make us thankful each and every day that God gave us you!  You are the light of our lives!

We love you, Sweetheart, with all of our hearts!
Mommy and Daddy

** Yes, I know that this is terribly late!  This whole "working mom" thing takes a little bit to get used to!  Plus, my camera broke, meaning any and all pictures were taken on my ghetto phone!
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1 comment:

ClickNCamera said...

What a joy you were during my week with you Kinley! Love you all, BoomMa!