Thursday, December 1, 2011

Birth Story (long and TMI)

Sunday morning (November 20th) at 3:30 am, my water broke and our adventure began... I woke up Josh and he got some clothes together and we headed for the hospital. We even took a picture of us leaving the house in front of the clock on our microwave. This could be the last picture of me smiling for about 15 hours!
Once we arrived at the ER, they quickly steered us towards the Birth Place. We hadn't brought in our bag because I genuinely believed that I would beq sent home to wait (that is what everyone told me would happen). Except it didn't. After arriving in the room, the wonderful nurse checked me and finished breaking my water. I was only at a 3!

Josh and I dozed in and out for several hours and worked through some very mild contractions. By the way, there is nothing good on tv at 4 am. 7:00 am rolled around and I was starting to get some back pain and pressure around my lady parts.  They suggested I get a "boost" to take the edge off.  The drug is called Heaven, no just kidding, its actually Nubain (I think that is how it is spelled).  Best drug ever.

Around 9:00 am, I decided to get my epidural.  I was feeling pretty uncomfortable but not out of control.  However, I was dialated to a 5 and they were afraid that I may miss my window of opportunity if we didn't get it started.  At about 10:00 am my mom arrived. Which I felt terrible about because she had just left Olathe the day before!

Around noon, while Angie and my mom were there, I started to feel what they referred to as a "hot spot".  Something that people clearly forget to mention when discussing epidurals.  This "hot spot" is when the drug is not working on a certain spot of your body.  My spot was on the left side of my lower abdomen.  It was hurting pretty good at this point so I suggested that everyone leave (I am mean, I know).  I needed to concentrate and did not want anyone to see me being a wuss.  After 30 minutes of suffering, I asked if there was anything I could have.  They called in the anesthesiologist and he gave me a bolster.  Not sure what that was, but it worked.  Knocked the pain right out!

However, it didn't last.  Instead, at about 2:00 we had realized that the "hot spot" had now spread to the entirity of my lower abdomen and can feel each and every agonizing contraction. 

I am begging at this point for a C-section.  It is 2:30 and I am dialated to a 9.  They suggest that we start pushing to finish thinning out my cervix.  I didn't want to push.  I didn't want to have a baby anymore.  I was done. 

After begging for some sort of relief, they had the miracle drug man come back and give me another bolster.  I don't even remember seeing him.  At 3:00 it was time to push.  I couldn't feel my legs at all but sure as the sun comes up everyday, I could feel my hot spot on my left side.

An hour and a half, a broken tailbone, forceps and an episiotomy later - Kinley Josephine came in to the world.  It was 4:30 pm and she weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20" long.

If that hour and a half wasn't bad enough, my uterus wouldn't stop bleeding.  I received at least three shots in my thighs, one in my arm, and one through my IV to stop the bleeding.  Nothing seemed to help.  So all of those nurses out there, what do you?  Yep, brutally assault me by kneading my stomach like bread dough.  It was excrutiating.  I screamed out loud.  I am that person and I didn't care.  I grabbed the nurse's hand and begged her to stop.  She didn't.  I think she hated me. 

Another hour later, my bleeding slowed down and they had me stitched up.  Then I got sick.  I had held my beautiful baby girl for approximately 3 minutes.  It was depressing and I felt like a horrible mom because honestly, I didn't want to hold her.  I was miserable.  To make matters worse, the dang Nursery nurse kept trying to get me to breast feed.  Witch.  Was she trying to make me feel like the worse mom ever?  Well, it worked.  

Finally, at about 6:00 pm I held her and even fed her (or tried).  It was over.  It was the longest day of my life and probably of Josh's life.  I had survived and received the most wonderful gift in the world.  She was perfect.  And she was mine.


Going home...sporting our KSU stocking hat!

**More things happened once I got home - but I'll save that for another TMI post someday.


Brandy said...

Emily Im so sorry it sucked, but Im so happy she was healthy. This is why I never posted my birth stories or you, Megan and Kendell may not have had babies. Im also so glad that in the end you did not have the c-section on top of it all. That would have been the whole sha-bang. Which sucks. Im sure your feeling much better, i hope. She is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her. Parenting is a challenge but so worth every piece of our battle wounds. You did awesome and now you have a war story too :).

Mama Mouse said...

You're doing fine. Kinley is a beautiful baby. I know that giving birth was not easy -- but you did it! You toughed it out. I'm so proud of you!

amy said...

wow, that was one heck of birth story. i'm sorry that was such an ordeal. but you did amazing and your baby girl is beautiful. i cannot wait to meet her. praying for a quick recovery for you.

p.s. i, too, had a "hot spot" that was my entire left side of my body with my first and i think that was worse than feeling all over with my second. concentrated pain is NO joke. you did good mama. :)

Jody said...

Congrats Emily! Miss Kinley looks adorable, I can't wait to see more pictures. I hope you're feeling okay, the few days after childbirth weren't very fun for me either. Enjoy your time with Kinley, soak up every moment, it goes fast!

Mr. Michel said...

I'm am so proud of you guys toughing it out, and even though it was a rough first week, you did it and now we have beautiful Kinley here in this world!! I'm so happy for the Perkins family!!!