Monday, August 22, 2011

Six Months and what the...?

Tuesday I am six months along. At our last appointment, Baby Perkins was growing perfectly and so was mommy. Her heartbeat was 156 bpm, my circumference is right at 39" and my weight (gasp, can you believe I am going to post it?) was 144 lbs (which means I have gained 14 pounds!). Next appointment I am doing the glucose test which should be awesome... not really. But we do get to see the little bean in a 3D sonogram. We are so excited about that!

We are so excited! Only a few more months/weeks til we get to meet her!

But wait... what the heck is that? Excuse me? What did you say? VERICOUS VEINS??? Only old fat people get those (right?), not me! Oh wait, yes I do. What a horrible joke to play on pregnant women. Seriously, not only do we actually have to birth a baby, gain a bunch of weight, develop acne, have no clothes fit for at least 6 months, and lose any glimmer of energy, but we have the chance of developing nasty blue, raised veins all over your legs! YUCK. Silver lining? Insta-Tan!


Brandy said...

Yay! Belly picture. You look awesome. PS I was close to 170 by 7 months with my first. Glucose test is like drinking fruit punch or gatorade. Just don't go with clear! I have tried all 3 and fruit punch was my fav of the 3 if you can call any of that a fav. Good luck ;) Cant wait to see 3D baby. Your trying to be like the trend and do everything in 3D. ha Love you!

ClickNCamera said...

Happy 6 Months Girls!! Pretty amazing, the days are flying by... at least for us. Come on 3D sonogram! We are excited!

Just Jana said...

Those panty hose are hilarious! You are the cutest little preggo lady ever! :)